Our Releases

Mad Scientist Rec. and TEXT produkts are sort of DIY companies, which basically means we do everything ourselves. We're not in this for the money, which is why we don't charge much for our products, we only charge as much as we have to. Which means you wont be recieving a proffesionaly manufactured cd from us, our releases are just CD-R's in cases, sometimes albums come with sleeves, sometimes it's just a sticker-label on the case. We promise once we start racking in the G's, we'll have all our cd's proffesionaly done, but until then it's gotta be like this. We're sorry if this makes us look un-proffesional, but hey, this isn't a real business. I don't get paid for this. I do it because I care about the music we're putting out and I hope that you do to.


Chris Oldaker
The Man

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